• 22. JúNA 2022
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    Sleep Problems and 6-Sulfatoxymelatonin as Possible Predictors of Symptom Severity, Adaptive and Maladaptive Behavior in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Sleep Problems and 6-Sulfatoxymelatonin as Possible Predictors of Symptom Severity, Adaptive and Maladaptive Behavior in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

    AUTORI: Bartakovičová, K., Keményová, P., Belica, I., Janík Szapuová, Ž., Stebelová, K., Waczulikova, I., Ostatnikova, D., Babinska, K. ABSTRACT: In children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), sleep disturbances are a frequent comorbidity with an adverse effect on their behavior and functioning. It was suggested that melatonin deficit is at least partly responsible for the sleep

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    • 1. JúNA 2019
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    Sleep disturbances in children with autism spectrum disorder

    Sleep disturbances in children with autism spectrum disorder

    AUTORI: Bartakovičová, K., Keményová, P., Siklenková, L., Ostatníková, D., Babinská, K.. ABSTRACT: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disability that can result in a high social, emotional and behavioural dysfunction. Sleep disturbances occur often in children with ASD. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the recent findings about thisRead more
    • 28. MARCA 2021
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    Skríning a diagnostika porúch autistického spektra

    Skríning a diagnostika porúch autistického spektra

    V našom výskumnom centre využívame štandardné skríningové (MCHAT) a diagnostické (ADOS2, ADI-R) nástroje na diagnostiku porúch autistického spektra. Využívame štandardné hodnotiace škály na detekciu agresívneho správania, adaptívneho správania, GIT ťažkostí…..kognitívnych schopností. Overovanie efektívnosti dotazníka M-CHAT v slovenskej populácii a zavádzanie povinného skríningu PAS na Slovensku. Zisťovali sme efektívnosť dotazníka M-CHAT v slovenskej populácii a vzťah k výsledkom testov objektívnej diagnostiky štandardnými nástrojmi

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    • 1. JúNA 2017
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    Sex-dependent effects of letrozole on anxiety in middle-aged rats

    Sex-dependent effects of letrozole on anxiety in middle-aged rats

    AUTORI: Borbelyova, V., E. Renczes Domonkos, M. Csongova, M. Kacmarova, D. Ostatnikova, P. Celec, and J. Hodosy ABSTRACT: Aromatase catalyzes the conversion of testosterone to estradiol and is involved in the physiological effects of sex hormones on brain function. Animal experiments have shown that the aromatase inhibitor, letrozole, can induce anxiety in young ovariectomized femalesRead more
