• 17. APRíLA 2020
    The influence of food intake specificity in children with autism on gut microbiota

    The influence of food intake specificity in children with autism on gut microbiota

    AUTORI: Sashova Tomova, A., Šoltys, K., Keményová, P., Karhánek, M. and Babinská, K. ABSTRACT: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex of neurodevelopmental conditions with increasing incidence. The microbiota of children with ASD is distinct from neurotypical children, their food habits are also different, and it is known that nutrient intake influences microbiota in a

    • 20. JANUáRA 2020
    Alteration of the steroidogenesis in boys with autism spectrum disorders

    Alteration of the steroidogenesis in boys with autism spectrum disorders

    AUTORI: Jansakova, K., Hill, M., Celarova, D., Celusakova, H., Repiska, G., Bicikova, M., Macova, L., Ostatnikova, D. ABSTRACT: The etiology of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) remains unknown, but associations between prenatal hormonal changes and ASD risk were found. The consequences of these changes on the steroidogenesis during a postnatal development are not yet well known.