AUTORI: Babinská, K., Filčíková, D., Nemcsicsová, D., Ostatníková, D.

ABSTRACT: Except the core symptoms including impaired social interaction, deficits in communication and stereotyped behaviour, children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) may present also symptoms of numerous comorbid conditions. In ASD increased prevalence of functional and inflammatory disorders of gastrointestinal (GI) system are present, also food allergies and intolerances, often with atypical manifestation in form of challenging behaviour. Differences in gut microbiota seem to play role, in addition, altered signalling from GI system via the gut-brain axis may affect the function of the CNS and behaviour. Children with ASD display food selectivity with adverse consequences on food variety and subsequent inadequate intake of protein, dietary fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Without professional counselling, children with ASD are often exposed to elimination diets. Their effectiveness is not sufficiently supported by scientific data, and they put the child even at more increased risk of nutritional deficiency. Complex and multiprofessional care about a child with ASD should include targeted search for symptoms of GI dysfunction and examination of nutritional status.

Pediatria pre prax. – Roč. 19, č. 2 (2018), s. 57-60. – ISSN (print) 1336-8168