AUTORI: Čelárová, D., Celušáková, H., Trellová, I., Szapuová, Ž., Ostatníková, D.

ABSTRACT: Autism spectrum disorders are a group of neurodevelopmental disorders that manifest in early childhood and persist throughout the lifespan. Core symptoms include social communication deficits and the presence of stereotyped and repetitive behaviors. Despite intensive research, the etiology still remains unknown, and no medications are approved for the treatment of core symptoms of autism. Evidence-based interventions are based on the principles of applied behavioral analysis, and has been shown to be effective particularly when used in early childhod. Parents of children with autism spectrum disorder, however, often invest their finance and time into interventions that are not only ineffective, but can also pose a threat to the healthy development of the child. The role of professionals should therefore be to help parents to be able to decide for the most effective treatment for their child and by that increase the quality of life for the whole family.

Lekársky obzor. – Roč. 67, č. 7-8 (2018), s. 255-259. – ISSN (print) 0457-4214

Lekársky obzor – HERBA – Lekársky obzor 7-8/2018