Heart rate variability in autism spectrum disorders
Heart rate variability in autism spectrum disorders UK/300/2016, principal investigator: Mgr. Diana Filčíková
Read moreHeart rate variability in autism spectrum disorders UK/300/2016, principal investigator: Mgr. Diana Filčíková
Read moreAkademické centrum výskumu autizmu, v spolupráci so Slovenskou akadémiou vied a Slovenskou technickou univerzitou v Bratislave, hľadá do výskumu deti s diagnostikovanou poruchou autistického spektra, verbálne (hovoriace v celých vetách, vo veku 6-11 rokov. V rámci účasti na projekte absolvuje dieťa: komplexnú diagnostiku príznakov PAS, zmeranie intelektu a exekutívnych funkcií, testovanie teórie mysle, adaptívneho správania
Read moreAUTHORS: Soltysova, M., Tomova, A., Ostatnikova, D. ABSTRACT: The aim of our work is to summarize the current state of knowledge on gut microbiota differences in children and adolescents with psychiatric disorders. To find the relevant articles, the PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases were searched. Articles in English presenting original data and
Read moreIn genetic projects, we perform an analysis of selected genetic markers in phenotypically homogeneous individuals due to the high heterogeneity of the spectrum of autistic disorders. We focus on the analysis of selected genetic markers in phenotypically homogeneous individuals due to the large heterogeneity of ASD people. The goal of such oriented autism research
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