Civic association ACVA o.z. was established in December 2014 and is an association of natural and legal persons interested in supporting the advancement of research, development, education and innovation in the field of support and care for people with autism spectrum disorders in the Slovak Republic through strengthening research and development capacities, and the use of foreign experience and contacts.

The activities of the association are mainly: scientific, research and developmental activities, educational activities, including the development of modern methods of education, transfer of knowledge from science, research and development into practice, edifying, promotional, informational and marketing activities and many others.

Identification data
ID: 424 154 38
Legal form: Civic association
Business name: Akademické centrum pre výskum autizmu
Residence: Pod Zečákom 43, 841 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republic

  • You have the opportunity to support the activities of the Academic Center for Autism Research in the following ways:
  • By direct financial support to our account kept in Československá obchodná banka, a.s.
    Account Number

    IBAN SK58 7500 0000 0040 2107 8227


IBAN SK58 7500 0000 0040 2107 8227

  • Donor portal

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