Dear parents and friends,
from March 14, we renewed diagnostics in our centre. We will gradually invite you to the examinations.
Thank you for your understanding.
Máte obavy, že vaše dieťa trpí príznakmi autizmu?
Od 1. februára 2019 máte nárok na bezplatný skríning u vášho pediatra.
M-CHAT si môžete vyplniť online aj v našom centre.
Krištálové krídlo - Mimoriadna cena
ACVA tím s hrdosťou gratuluje pani profesorke MUDr. Daniele Ostatníkovej, PhD., ktorá si prevzala
Mimoriadne ocenenie, Krištáľové krídlo za rok 2020, za svoju celoživotnú prácu,
v ktorej sa venuje výskumu mozgu a jeho funkciám a v posledných desaťročiach najmä téme autizmu.
Slide Slide

These days, on the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day, our new book AUTIZMUS od A po S is coming to you, dear parents and friends, in cooperation with the IKAR publishing house.

During the pandemic period, a team of renowned authors with many years of experience managed to assemble knowledge and experience related to the diagnosis of autism.
The book also offers practical guidelines for children and adults with autism spectrum disorders. You will also find testimonials from parents who point out how important and useful it is to become sensitive to the needs of people with this disorder and their families.

Welcome to the ARCA website

Our vision

The Academic Research Center for Autism (ARCA) was established in 2013 on the initiative of prof. MUDr. Daniela Ostatníkova, PhD. The center is part of the Medical Faculty of Comenius University and is a unique research center dealing with autism spectrum disorders in Slovakia. The primary mission is to integrate research activities focused on autism, to introduce standard diagnostic procedures and therapeutic protocols according to evidence-based medicine in cooperation with parents of children with autism and relevant institutions in Slovakia. As a part of our research projects, we have implemented standard diagnostic tools and protocols in Slovakia and we offer free diagnostics to children from all over Slovakia, whose parents agree to the participation of their children in research projects. Together we look for the causes of this disorder and the possibilities of its therapeutic effect. We are a training center for students and professionals who have decided to use their expertise to help children with autism spectrum disorder and their inclusion in society.

Activities of ARCA are focused on:



      The diagnostic process at the Academic Research Center for Autism is free, but we ask the parents to cooperate in the form of engaging in a research process that is based on providing biological samples of the child



      The Academic Research Center for Autism deals with many activities aimed at educating the professional and lay public.



      At the Academic Research Center for Autism, we focus on interprofessional research into the etiopathogenetic mechanisms of autism in domestic and foreign grant projects. Our interdisciplinary team is made up of experts from several fields, namely, neurology, psychology, molecular biology, genetics, nutrition and pharmacy.


Daniela Ostatníková: Autizmus sprevádza človeka po celý život, neexistuje tabletka, ktorá ho vylieči

Nový rozhovor s pani profesorkou Ostatníkovou pre magazín akčné ženy. „Autizmus je výzva pre nás, väčšinovú spoločnosť. Mali by sme deti s autizmom v spoločnosti nielen tolerovať, ale akceptovať. Pochopiť, že sú iní, že inak vidia svet, že inak myslia a cítia,” hovorí prof. MUDr. Daniela Ostatníková, PhD. Svoj život zasvätila výskumu autizmu. Čítať ďalej…

Hľadáme deti do výskumu – pomôžte nám lepšie porozumieť poruchám autistického spektra

Akademické centrum výskumu autizmu, v spolupráci so Slovenskou akadémiou vied a Slovenskou technickou univerzitou v Bratislave, hľadá do výskumu deti s diagnostikovanou poruchou autistického spektra, verbálne (hovoriace v celých vetách, vo veku 6-11 rokov. V rámci účasti na projekte absolvuje dieťa: komplexnú diagnostiku príznakov PAS, zmeranie intelektu a exekutívnych funkcií, testovanie teórie mysle, adaptívneho správania

Krištáľové krídlo za rok 2020 – Mimoriadne ocenenie

ACVA tím s hrdosťou gratuluje pani profesorke MUDr. Daniele Ostatníkovej, PhD., ktorá si prevzala Mimoriadne ocenenie, Krištáľové krídlo za rok 2020, za svoju celoživotnú prácu, v ktorej sa venuje výskumu mozgu a jeho funkciám a v posledných desaťročiach najmä téme autizmu. Foto zdroj: Peter Frolo, web: Krištáľové krídlo pozná laureátov 24. ročníka BRATISLAVA, 20. júna – Poznáme

Projects and grants


The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on mental health of Slovak families with children with autism spectrum disorder and families with typically developing children The research aimed to monitor changes in the mental health of families with children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as well as families with neurotypical children, from first to third wave of

Sex-specific microbiome and gene interactions in the pathogenesis of behavioral and gastrointestinal symptoms in the animal model of autism spectrum disorder

Sex-specific microbiome and gene interactions in the pathogenesis of behavioral and gastrointestinal symptoms in the animal model of autism spectrum disorder (APVV-20-0114) Principal investigator: Doc. MUDr. Aleksandra Tomova, PhD. Annotation Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex of neurodevelopmental conditions with increasing incidence. Genetic background of ASD explains

Psychological and biological correlates of adaptive behaviour in children with autism spectrum disorders in multidisciplinary insight

Psychological and biological correlates of adaptive behaviour in children with autism spectrum disorders in multidisciplinary insight (APVV 20-0139) Principal investigator: doc. MUDr. Katarína Babinská, PhD. Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are neurodevelopmental disorders characterised by lifelong impairments in social interaction, communication and by stereotyped behaviour and interests. Due to the severity

Recent publications

Gut Microbiota Profiles in Children and Adolescents with Psychiatric Disorders

AUTHORS: Soltysova, M., Tomova, A., Ostatnikova, D. ABSTRACT: The aim of our work is to summarize the current state of knowledge on gut microbiota differences in children and adolescents with psychiatric disorders. To find the relevant articles, the PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases were searched. Articles in English presenting original data and

Comparing the impact of the first and second wave of COVID-19 lockdown on Slovak families with typically developing children and children with autism spectrum disorder

AUTHORS: Polónyiová, K., Belica, I., Celušáková, H., Janšáková, K., Kopčíková, M., Szapuová, Ž., Ostatníková, D. ABSTRACT: The aim of this research was to compare the mental health of families with children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder or typically developing children, during the first and the second wave of COVID-19 outbreak in Slovakia. The study is

Do „autistic traits“ determine our career choice?

AUTORI: Kyselicová, K., Čelárová, D., Celušáková, H., Janšáková, K., Greguš, M., Neščáková, E., Ostatníková, D. ABSTRACT: Objectives: Autistic traits may display a continuous distribution throughout the population. The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of autistic traits in university students and look for possible cognitive or behavioral differences between students of

Our team