• 8. OCTOBER 2021
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    Potential of Salivary Biomarkers in Autism Research: A Systematic Review

    Potential of Salivary Biomarkers in Autism Research: A Systematic Review

    AUTHORS: Janšáková, K., Kyselicová, K., Ostatníková, D. and Repiská, G. ABSTRACT: The diagnostic process for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is based on a behavioral analysis of the suspected individual. Despite intensive research, no specific and valid biomarker has been identified for ASD, but saliva, with its advantages such as non-invasive collection, could serve as a

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    • 24. MARCH 2021
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    PODCAST: Je oxytocín nádej pre autistov?

    PODCAST: Je oxytocín nádej pre autistov?

    Odkedy sa autizmus začal vyskytovať? Má nejaké prepojenie s očkovaním? Stúpa počet autistov? Koho najviac postihuje?  Každý autista je unikát. Zatiaľ čo niektorí jedinci majú nižší intelekt, iní vynikajú špeciálnymi schopnosťami. Väčšinou majú výrazne silnejší zmysel pre detail, čo pre nich môže byť výhodné v zamestnaní. Nevýhodou sú však slabé sociálne zručnosti či úzkosť v spoločnosti

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    • 1. MARCH 2016
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    Plasma Oxytocin in Children with Autism and Its Correlations with Behavioral Parameters in Children and Parents

    Plasma Oxytocin in Children with Autism and Its Correlations with Behavioral Parameters in Children and Parents

    AUTHORS: Marcincakova Husarova, V., Lakatosova, S., Pivovarciova, A., Babinska, K., Bakos, J., Babkova Durdiakova, J., Kubranska, A., Ondrejka, I. and Ostatnikova, D. ABSTRACT: Objective: Oxytocin (OT) has been implicated to play an important role in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) etiology. We aimed to find out the differences in plasma OT levels between children with autismRead more
    • 1. AUGUST 2019
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    Plasma levels of glial cell marker S100B in children with autism

    Plasma levels of glial cell marker S100B in children with autism

    AUTHORS: Sashova Tomova, A., Kemenyova, P., Celarova, D., Szapuova, Z., Kovac, A., Babinska, K., Ostatnikova D. ABSTRACT: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition with increasing incidence. Recent evidences suggest glial cells involvement in autism pathophysiology. S100B is a calcium binding protein, mainly found in astrocytes and therefore used as a marker of theirRead more
