Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder, the responsible factors that increase the risk of this disorder exert their effects already during the prenatal period. Dermatoglyphs (formations that are formed by a unique arrangement of papillary lines – fingerprints are most often described) and their asymmetry are a reflection of developmental instability / instability during embryogenesis. Developmental instability can be caused by a number of factors, including all known teratogens (substances that have a negative effect on the fetus), maternal and fetal infections, and the genetic ‘equipment’ of the fetus reflecting its ability to deal with negative factors. When the fetus is unable to compensate for these disturbances, asymmetric structures result in developmental instability. Therefore, based on the presence of some characteristic features and their frequency in the development of fingerprints, developmental imbalances with an impact on central nervous system functions can be assessed. These features (so-called first-level and second-level details) are represented in different frequencies not only in terms of population, but also in groups of people with various neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders. Several studies describe the different representation of baseline patterns in individuals with autism spectrum disorder when compared to the neurotypical population. Our findings support this statement because the patterns were found to have different representation in the population of boys with autism, though they are not suitable for individual diagnosis.

Kyselicova K, Belica I, Vidosovicova M, Jansakova K, Nescakova E, Spajdel M, Navarova S, Ostatnikova D. Autism spectrum disorder and new perspectives on the reliability of second to fourth digit ratio. Developmental Psychobiology, 2021. 63(6): 1-10

Research on the distribution and localization of fingerprints and monitoring of their asymmetry in children with ASD

Fingerprint patterns as well as their distribution and location are specific and can be considered as discriminatory features of autism. In groups of individuals with autism of both sexes, we take the fingerprints and monitor their differences in comparison with the control population of children of the same age in a longitudinal study. We associate dactyloscopic patterns with the occurrence of specific genetic profiles and steroid metabolome.