This article is about a mobile application for early detection of children with ASD for marginalized groups and is in Slovak language. V tomto projekte je hlavnou úlohou ACVA: ASDetect – slovenská verzia mobilnej aplikácie na včasný záchyt deti s autizmom v marginalizovaných komunitách Zabezpečenie odborného dohľadu nad slovenskou verziou aplikácie ASDetect pre marginalizované skupiny
Read moreAutism is a neurodevelopmental disorder, the responsible factors that increase the risk of this disorder exert their effects already during the prenatal period. Dermatoglyphs (formations that are formed by a unique arrangement of papillary lines – fingerprints are most often described) and their asymmetry are a reflection of developmental instability / instability during embryogenesis. Developmental
Read moreAndrogen activity in correlation with reactive/proactive aggression in individuals with autism spectrum disorder UK/102/2016, principal investigator: Mgr. Alexandra Padová
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