The role of mitochondrial DNA in etiology of autism
The role of mitochondrial DNA in etiology of autism UK/502/2016, principal investigator: Mgr. Lenka Vokálová
Read moreThe role of mitochondrial DNA in etiology of autism UK/502/2016, principal investigator: Mgr. Lenka Vokálová
Read moreThe role of hormonal regulation of DNA topoisomerase II in neurons of animal models in association with autism aetiology UK/108/2015, principal investigator: Mgr. Lenka Vokálová
Read moreThe role of genetics in etiology of autism UK45/2013, principal investigator: Mgr. Jaroslava Durdiaková
Read moreAUTHORS: Lakatošová, S., Janšáková, K., Babková. J., Repiská, G., Belica, I., Vidošovičová, M. and Ostatníková, D. ABSTRACT:Objective: Purpose of the study was to identify the relationship among actual plasmatic levels of steroid hormones and behavioral manifestations in boys with autism and to assess the genetic contribution to these manifestations. Methods: 172 boys with autism under
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