• 1. NOVEMBER 2016
    Testosterone and Androgen Receptor Sensitivity in Relation to Hyperactivity Symptoms in Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Testosterone and Androgen Receptor Sensitivity in Relation to Hyperactivity Symptoms in Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorders

    AUTHORS: Pivovarciova, A., Durdiakova, J., Babinska, K., Kubranska, A., Vokalova, L., Minarik, G., Celec, P., Murin, M. and Ostatnikova, D. ABSTRACT: Introduction: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and hyperactivity symptoms exhibit an incidence that is male-biased. Thus androgen activity can be considered a plausible biological risk factor for these disorders. However, there is insufficient information about
    • 1. MARCH 2016
    Neuroendocrine contribution to autism etiology

    Neuroendocrine contribution to autism etiology

    AUTHORS: Ostatníková, D., Kubranská, A., Marcinčáková Husárová, V., Pivovarčiová, A., Babková, J. ABSTRACT: Objectives: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a set of heterogeneous neurodevelopmental conditions characterized by early-onset difficulties in social communication and unusually restricted, repetitive behavior and interests. One of the main features of autism is the unequal sex distribution, with higher prevalence in