• 25. OCTOBER 2020
    Detection of disease-associated microRNAs – application for autism spectrum disorders

    Detection of disease-associated microRNAs – application for autism spectrum disorders

    AUTHORS: Konečná, B., Radošinská, J., Keményová, P. and Repiská, G. ABSTRACT: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) diagnostic procedure still lacks a uniform biological marker. This review gathers the information on microRNAs (miRNAs) specifically as a possible source of biomarkers of ASD. Extracellular vesicles, and their subset of exosomes, are believed to be a tool of cell-to-cell

    • 6. OCTOBER 2020

    Testosterone and the brain: from cognition to Autism

    AUTHORS: Ostatníková, D., Lakatošová, S., Babková, J., Hodosy, J. and Celec, P. ABSTRACT: Sex and gender matter in all aspects of life. Humans exhibit sexual dimorphism in anatomy, physiology, but also pathology. Many of the differences are due to sex chromosomes and, thus, genetics, other due to endocrine factors such as sex hormones, some are